Streaming and Moving Beyond the US: Lotz Research Agenda, 2018–2024
We Need to Talk About Trade Press
The number of times I’ve explained the difference between balance sheet (revenue/cost) and stock price to ‘journalists’ in recent months makes me sad and worried. There is a profound lack of basic data competence (you can’t compare different metrics or US with worldwide), method understanding (self-report surveys are the bread and butter of consultancy firms but are usually designed to tell a specific story, and people lie), as well as basic industry understanding. A few qualified journalists remain and occasionally they get to do actual journalism, but cheap to produce opinion-masquerading-as-journalism rules the day.
Netflix as a multinational SVOD: Some charts and explanation
Answers for Infobae
Pablo Boczkowski and Eugenia Mitchelstein recently invited me to answer some questions to be translated for an article in their Digital Life column in Infobae. Here's the English version:
Net neutrality uncertainty will be a quagmire for US digital businesses, from Digital Business Lawyer April 2018
Presentation at Media Industries Studies Conference, Kings College London
The panel I presented on evolved from conversations started a little over a year ago among four media industry scholars who had been studying the implications of digital technologies on four different industries—books, music, film, and television—conversations that began out of curiosity about whether there are trends and patterns consistent across industries and of how making our own industry strange by considering anothers’ might provoke new insight.
Following Television to the Internet: Lotz Research Agenda, 2014-2017
Over the last eighteen months, I’ve published work that is interconnected and occasionally traverses similar terrain but aims to speak to different audiences. I’ve been writing about a moving object, and my perspectives have evolved over the course of writing and thinking. This is the story behind the work I’ve been up to.